Friday, 20 September 2013

It all begins with having a 'passion for fashion'

Going to fashion college is most little girls cliched dream come true, as fashion is completely and utterly their passion. After visiting my chosen fashion college, along with a ton of other hopeful adolescents, that had spent the whole week choosing their outfit and a few hours before caking their face in makeup, and that was just the boys, i was in awe of the place. The building was amazing, as was the location. The promises they made offered us an easy entrance into the fashion industry.  So along with everyone else I awkwardly made my way to the 'sign up here' table to meet my hopfully soon to be teachers. And after writing exactly 200 words on why I'd be perfect for the college and securing am interview,  a couple of weeks later I received my letter saying I'd been successful. 

That's it, I made it into this London based fashion college ( i'll let you take to google and guess which one i am talking about) I was going to make it in the world, my name would be in every magazine, my online store would be making thousands and my by appointment only boutique would be thriving. At the end of my two year fashion course I would become the most wanted women in the fashion industry. My designs were about to put Oscar de la Renta to shame, make Coco Channel turn in her grave.

Although it didn't take me long to realise what fashion college was really about, so as I reluctantly lowered my expectations and ambitions, i knew that every promise that they'd spun had been one lie after the other. A big fat porky pie with extra gravy. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of your blog, hope your course is going well. I am a fashion graduate and have just created a post about some great books for fashion students that you might find useful:
